28 March 2023 | press

YAK Agency awarded best Italian agency for the new image of the Azienda Ospedale Università di Padova

The Mediastars Advertising Technical Award recognizes YAK Agency as the best Italian agency in brand communication with ...

24 March 2023 | press

YAK Agency again by the side of Erreà, the Italian sportswear excellence

Erreà reconfirmed Marco Dalla Dea and Giovanni Cecolin’s company for the 2023 communication of the Sport, Republic and P...

17 February 2023 | press

FITARCO reconfirms YAK Agency for media coverage at events and social communication

In 2023, the agency of Marco Dalla Dea and Giovanni Cecolin will once again support the Italian Archery Federation in th...

8 February 2023 | press

Tigotà renews YAK Agency’s commission for the Amatí magazine

In 2023, the company of Marco Dalla Dea and Giovanni Cecolin will once again take care of the editorial production of th...

12 January 2023 | press

YAK Agency reconfirmed by Nims S.p.a. (Lavazza Group) for internal communication 2023

For the third year running, Marco Dalla Dea and Giovanni Cecolin's agency will be responsible for the house organ and re...

22 December 2022 | press

YAK Agency: six new employees and +25% in revenue

The company owned by Marco Dalla Dea and Giovanni Cecolin hires six people, bringing the workforce to 25 professionals, ...

28 October 2022 | press

The Hospital – University of Padua chooses YAK Agency for the new communication identity

The communication agency of Giovanni Cecolin and Marco Dalla Dea was appointed to manage the new image of communication ...

14 September 2022 | press

SMILE RUN: 21,400 euros donated by the runners of the third edition of the ‘yellow race’

A Sunday of sport and solidarity in the heart of the city of Padua thanks to the event organized by YAK Agency to give c...

30 June 2022 | press

FITARCO chooses YAK Agency for social communication and content production at national events

The agency of Marco Dalla Dea and Giovanni Cecolin has been chosen by FITARCO - Italian Federation of Archery for conten...

1 June 2022 | press

YAK Agency awarded Certified Google Partner Agency for Google Ads campaigns

Google has awarded our agency the status of Google Partner, an official certification that recognizes YAK Agency's abili...

10 January 2022 | press

Nims S.p.a. (Lavazza Group) renews the assignment for internal communication to the Agency

The Agency of Marco Dalla Dea and Giovanni Cecolin will take care of the realization of the house organ and the related ...

22 September 2021 | press

Entrusted to YAK Agency the communication of Padua Marathon 2021

The services of graphic design, social media management and live coverage of the 2021 edition of the historic marathon w...